Please find outlined our COVID-19 policies and procedures. We thank you in advance for your compliance as we continue to navigate the pandemic with the safety of our students, ensemble members, families, staff, and visitors. If you are unable to comply with the following policies and procedures at this time, we hope that you will return to ICDT NYC! at a later date. We will continue to monitor, follow, and comply with the NYC.GOV regulations and update our policy as we navigate the pandemic.
As a performing arts center, I Can Do That NYC! is required to comply with the NYC vaccine mandate regulations outlined in the “Key to NYC Pass”. Starting on 12/14, in accordance with “Key to NYC Pass”, ages 5-11 are required to have one vaccination. ICDT NYC! will require full vaccinations (both shots) from all ICDT NYC staff and visitors who are 5 years of age or older by 1/15. Acceptable proof of vaccination is one of the following:
CDC Vaccination Card. A photo or photocopy of this card is also acceptable.
NYC Vaccination Record or other official immunization record from within or outside the U.S., including from your healthcare provider. A photo or photocopy of this card is also acceptable. If you are unable to get this record, call 311.
NYC COVID Safe App: Android | iOS. You can upload to this app a photo of your CDC vaccination card or other official record, along with your photo ID.
Excelsior Pass (or Excelsior Pass Plus). To use this app, you will need the phone number or email address associated with your NYC vaccination record. If you are unable to use this app, try one of the other options listed above.
Masks are required at all times, in all parts of the ICDT. NYC! Studios for everyone 2 years and older. This includes the lobby, hallways, stairwell, bathrooms, rehearsal rooms, theater, and offices.
At ICDT NYC! students and Teaching staff will observe 3 feet of physical distance from others during classes, camps, and workshops to reduce transmission risk.
At this time, parents and caretakers are not permitted to remain in the studios. Please arrive at your designated time and no earlier.
All students, ensemble members, families, and visitors may be required to complete a daily health screening each time they enter the ICDT NYC studios!
Please do not come to I Can Do That NYC! if you have a fever or are ill.
If you test positive for COVID-19 you should stay isolated until all of the following are true:
It has been at least 10 days since you started having symptoms or the date you were tested (if you did not have symptoms)
You have not had a fever for at least 24 hours without taking fever and pain-reducing medicines, such as Advil, Motrin, Tylenol or aspirin and your overall illness has improved
Training Zone and Oval Studios are maintained by their own staff and have assured us all studios will be properly cleaned at all times.
We will continue to monitor, follow, and comply with the NYC.gov regulations and update our policy as we navigate the pandemic. We’ll always take precautions and actions to protect our students, ensemble members, families, staff, and visitors. We’re grateful for your understanding and support at this time. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact info@icandothatnyc.com